ELHA-MASCHINENBAU is a family enterprise with a long tradition claiming its position by expertise and comprehensive know-how in metal cutting technology and machine design for more than 90 years. In this spirit ELHA stands for economical solutions in the field of highly demanding machining tasks. ELHA is in a continuous development process adapting to constantly changing requirements and challenges of it´s customers.
ELHA starts as a shop for electrical equipment. Under our trade name LH (Liemke Hövelhof) we started off producing machine tools for the local wood- and metal working industry.
After World War II ELHA then specialized in drilling machines which are sold under the new trade name ELHA.
In the sixties special attention is given to the expansion of our headquarters in the center of Hövelhof adding an administration building and further production halls.
With regard to machine development ELHA concentrates on radial drilling machines and very early introduces the first multi spindle units.
The multi spindle drilling machines are developed further and the concept is improved by the application of cardan shafts.
Furthermore ELHA increases its scope of production and successfully builds the first rotary transfer machines.
ELHA´s success story carries on and the present administration building and a large-area production hall are built.
This way ELHA rapidly reacts to new challenges presented by the market situation and intensifies the production of special purpose machines, ranging from transfer machines up to special machining centers, e.g. for the machining of the boosters for the ARIANE 5 rocket.
An intensive cooperation with a customer during the nineties evolves into the concept for the Production Module FM 3+X. This machine was presented to the public during the EMO 1997 for the very first time.
The continuous success of this machine concept confirms ELHA´s intention to start up a new division exclusively for our production modules.
The start into the new millennium once again is characterized by expansion and further development.
Our division Production Modules moves into its own assembly plant on the outskirts of Hövelhof which has to be expanded once more by adding a 4000 m² office and production area in 2009.
The Production Module series is being extended by large module FM 4+X hd and the FM 3+X hd. In the year 2009 our module No. 200 leaves our production halls.
Our division Manufacturing Systems delivers a number of special purpose machines and special machining centers to various industries, mainly focusing on power engineering and large-diameter bearings.
The XL Manufacturing Systems division expands the product range by large vertical turn-milling centers (VTM) with patented ELHA SDD table direct drive, based on linear motor technology.
The FM Production Modules division launches the FM SMART series. It is based on the successful FM-series and introduces the new, innovative drum type turret technology for flexible multi-spindle machining into the market.
Fusion of the two business divisions XL Manufacturing Systems and Production Moduls for tue reason of simplification of structures and creating synergie effects. Therefore ELHA can respond more efficiently and agile to customer needs in the future.
Development of iDPS, ELHA’s system solution for greater productivity, efficiency and transparency. The applications can be accessed via end devices in the company network or, with customer approval, worldwide via the ELHA Machine Service Portal. Access from mobile devices is also available as an option.
Significant further development of the drum type magazine (SRM) for the FM SMART series. Technologically improved segment direct drive (SDD) rotary table drive for the VTx series. New VTG machine series: these are large vertical turning and grinding machines.
ELHA is changing its distribution structure with the switch from territorial to project protection. This means that the sales partners in Germany can now acquire across territories.
New VTG machine series: these are large vertical turning and grinding machines. These are used for finishing large-format workpieces by means of grinding, turning and drilling.
Under the label “Retrofit by ELHA”, we have many years of experience in the field of machine conversions, modernisations and general overhauls. We utilise this expertise not only for the reconditioning of our own production systems, but also for systems from all well-known manufacturers.
The parallel kinematics module (PKM) was developed together with our partner Cognibotics. The PKM is a modular machine with an innovative structure that offers high dynamics and path speed with repeatable positioning. It combines the advantages of machine tools and flexible robot processing, enables precise processing of large components and acts as a technological bridge in production.